Bully scholarship edition save game chapter 3. Feb 18, 2014 - Crack hashes with online services. Try to crack a JUNIPER encrypted password escaping special characters. Python /usr/bin/findmyhash. Aug 14, 2015. Junos' $9 'hashes' (they're actually reversibly encrypted passwords). Very cooperative to cracking – my GTX 960 does 2.6 million hashes/sec. Cudahashcat64.exe -m500 -a3 $1$6Ub0uM5t$08QKpPT1ZO0GjwcVe6mTP1 -1?l?d. Juniper appends as a comment to all $1 hashes and $9 passwords. The gospel movie torrent download. Juniper Password Decryptor] Tool to Decode and Recover Juniper $9$ Passwords. Juniper Password Decryptor is a free desktop tool to instantly decode and recover Juniper $9$ Passwords. Juniper Router allows you to configure 2 types of passwords,Juniper $1$ Password: Here MD5 hash of the password is stored.
Hudson valley. Def makepass ( user, password ): middle = 'Administration Tools' s = '%s:%s:%s'% ( user, middle, password ) print s m = hashlib. Digest ( ) narray = [ ] for i in range ( 8 ): n1 = ord (m [ 2*i ] ) n2 = ord (m [ 2*i+ 1 ] ) narray. Append ( (n1 > 12 & 0xf p2 = i >> 6 & 0x3f p3 = i & 0x3f res + = b64 [p1 ] + b64 [p2 ] + b64 [p3 ] for c, n in zip ( 'nrcstn', [ 0, 6, 12, 17, 23, 29 ] ): res = res [:n ] + c + res [n: ] return res After looking through the code it is clear that there is a fixed salt of Administration Tools and a salt of the username(lines 2 and 3). The code then takes each 2 chars and adds the binaries together(lines 8-11) From this it creates 3 characters from the 16bits(lines 14-18) And finally is scatters the letters n,r,c,s,t & n onto the hash in specific places (lines 20 and 21) It’s worth noting that the letters nrcstn is actually Ne TSCRee N in reverse without the e’s 🙂 Using this code it was possible to write some new code to reverse backwards through the steps in order to go from a Netscreen hash back to the raw MD5 hash.