Trombus pada vena tungkai dapat ditangani tanpa antikoagulan, khususnya jika trombus berkembang sebagai akibat kejadian yang tidak teridentifikasi seperti trauma atau pembedahan. Penanganan trombosis vena dalam tergantung atas lokasi trombus.
The 1.69.43 (the second patch of patch 1.69 released around 1/12/16) Basics and Full versions are now available. The 1.38 version of the skintone panel mod is compatible with 1.38 to 1.69.43 and does not need to be updated. A 1.67 Steam-compatible version is added. (This is the latest version on Steam.) The first and second 1.69 and all other previous versions, now including Steam versions 1.50 - 1.66, are still available from the XCAS obsolete versions site: - Please note the new address! Have you thought that the game tattoo locations are a bit. Do you have custom sliders or want to increase slider range?
Would you like some of your sims to wear a ring or earring when naked? Or do you have custom accessories that you'd like your sim to wear in the shower without having to give them the 'Never Naked' trait? XCAS can do that, plus a few more things. ** This is a CORE mod. It is not compatible with AwesomeMod or any other CORE mod except (probably) Consort's Weight and Fitness Integration.
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It IS compatible with the NRaas mods. ** Core vs non-core versions: Twallan liked this idea so much that he's made it into an extension of NRaas Master Controller, a VERY useful non-core mod that adds new menus and functions for sims and objects in the game. This extension adds the new tattoo locations to the MasterController Basic/Tattoo function. This means those who prefer to use AwesomeMod or Extended Game Core as a core mod can do so and have the added tattoo locations too!
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