Info: CONSYS™ is a Windows tool for the analysis of live loads and static loads on single-span and multi-span bridges. CONSYS™ is capable of handling both LRFD and AASHTO Standard as well as U.S. And metric units. CONSYS™ provides you with a complete library of the standard loads needed for analysis under both LRFD and AASHTO Standard. Selecting loads for your desired analysis is a simple task.You can select graphical representations of the loads on-screen with your mouse.
Since all standard load selection can be done graphically, you can easily keep track of which loads you are including in your analysis. How to install front license mounting bracket. If you wish to add or delete any given load, you can accomplish it at any time with only a few simple motions of the mouse. You may customize any of the loads yourself to fit any special cases you might wish to test. Load customizing is conveniently accomplished with dialog boxes that allow you to define the specific load characteristics yourself. You may perform analyses for individual loads,combinationsof loads,and envelopes of combinations. You may also specify unlimited checkpoints for the analysis and reporting of moments, shears, and deflections.