Not everybody understands the humor of programmers. Filters • • • • • • • Submission rules Rules are zero-indexed. If they do not appear zero-indexed you are asked to contact for recalibration. • For a submission to qualify it must satisfy at least one of the following: • The content disregarding the title and superimposed text must be directly related to programming or programmers. Generic tech humor (e.g.
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Being a power user, jokes about software not related to programming, etc.) is not allowed. Note that programming here is interpreted in a narrow sense, an analogy to something related to programming, feelings/reactions to programming etc. Is not considered sufficient.
• The image along with the title and superimposed text must result in creative and original content related to programming. Download vs_setup.msi for visual studio 2010. Again, programming is interpreted in a narrow sense. • The post must be a program or UI designed intentionally for humor.
Bad UI found in the wild belongs in. • No hotlinking or rehosting allowed without explicit permission, unless it is obvious that the host allows it (eg. Imgur) or you are the original creator of the image. Rehosting for the purposes of offering a direct link to an image is allowed in the comments. In all other cases, use a link to the webpage of the content.