Full text of ' JPRS-EER-92-007 16 JANUARY 1992 Foreign Broadcast Information Service JPRS Report — SSisKft.1, 1 East Europe jyric QUALITY INSPECTED Z 19980115 091 REPRODUCED BY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE I national TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE! SPRINGFIELD, VA 22161 i East Europe JPRS-EER-92-007 CONTENTS 16 January 1992 BULGARIA BZNS-NP Reorganizes, Elects Officials [NARODNO ZEMEDELSKO ZNAME 29 Oct]. 1 Opinions on Ethnic Turkish Question.
Gradinita cu program normal nr. 20) Tel: 0268 443 074. Gradinita cu program prelungit nr.
3 Presidential Adviser [DEMOKRATSIYA 12 Nov]. 3 SDS Supporter fDEMOKRATSIYA 12 Nov]. 4 HUNGARY Political ‘Purge’ at Foreign Ministry Viewed [BESZELO 7 Dec].
6 Mayors’ Profiles, Characteristics Surveyed [FIGYELO 5, 12 Dec]. 7 Opinions Divided on ‘Self-Defense’ Organizations [BESZELO 7 Dec].
GCD Alert Value You're able to set the GCD Alert Value to whatever value you want. You really can differentiate between the 1.283 sec, that happens to be that low due to certain miscalculations and the really low 1.1 sec GCD by the GCD hack. On top of that, with GCD hack on, you will see a lot more spottings in GHT, therefore it should be easy to distinguish between real GCD hacks with miscalculations. The default is set to 1.3 sec, to keep the above mentioned miscalculations to a minimum.
11 Proposed 1992 Budget, Process Criticized [FIGYELO 5 Dec]. Juniper password decrypt. 12 Political State Secretary on Agricultural Issues [MAGYAR HIRLAP 9 Dec]. 13 Effects of Collapse of Eastern Trade Analyzed [FIGYELO 5 Dec]. 15 Increased Central Bank Reserves Reported [FIGYELO 5 Dec].